Europe Day is now also EU SIGN DAY

7th of May is the best day to sign one — or more — European Citizens’ Initiatives (ECIs). Your signature can change the future of Europe!


Today is the best day to make your voice heard in Europe.

And to be sure that someone will listen to it.

Spread the word and let everyone know you have signed our European Citizens’ Initiatives today!


9th of May is Europe Day. A day when Europe is celebrated for a key milestone of its past: the “Schuman Declaration” that after WWII called for a new form of political cooperation. Today is the day when the EU Institutions “open” their doors to European citizens.

Today, we ask you to make this day one in which European citizens celebrate the future. Today you can sign one or more European Citizens’ Initiatives. And your signature will count.

Almost everybody is ignoring the very existence of a tool already in our hands to ask the EU to do something to improve our lives: the European Citizens’ Initiative is a way in which 1 million citizens can support and send to the EU a proposal. The EU is then obliged to answer, whether accepting or rejecting it, but has to publicly explain why.

Below you will find 4 European Citizens’ Initiatives — you can sign all of them, or just those that you like. If all of them collect 1 million signatures, the European Commission and the European Parliament are obliged to organise official hearings and can take action on the proposals. And publicly explain their decisions.

Sign now and then tell all of Europe how you celebrated Europe Day. You are making EU SIGN DAY happen. To co-inside with the European Parliaments celebration of Europe Day, we too will host EU SING DAY on the 7th of May.

An ECI is a tool to propose legislation for all 446 million EU citizens. Provided the demand is within the legal competence of the Commission, the citizens’ committee has one year to collect over one million signatures from a minimum of 7 out of 27 Member States. All EU citizens of voting age can sign an ECI easily and securely.

How about you? Had you heard of the ECI before? 



This ECI demands a clear, uniform and transparent indication of the  environmental impact of products at the European level. This would place a range of letters and colors, from ‘A’ (green) to ‘F’ (red), with ‘A’ being the lowest negative impact on the environment, and ‘F’ the highest.


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#StopGlobalWarming #EUSignDay #SignNow

This ECI demands reforms to strengthen the existing rights of EU citizens to vote and stand in European and municipal elections in their country of residence, and also asks for new legislation to extend these rights to regional and national elections as well as referenda.


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#RightToVote #EUSignDay #SignNow

This proposal aims to establish the introduction of unconditional basic incomes throughout the EU which ensure every person’s material existence and opportunity to participate in society as part of its economic policy.

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#BasicIncome #EUSignDay #SignNow


We need to rethink and find ways to increase the awareness of environmental problems and how to bring our society, the economy and the protection of our planet in a healthy balance. Therefore, the core of the plan is to utilize the existing spaces found on rooftops. The idea is to create on different corporations’ rooftops a green garden area. In this way the unutilized roofs, could be transformed in means able of improving and aiding the environmental crisis.

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COVID-19 spreads like wildfire. Solutions must travel even faster. No one is safe until everyone has access to safe and effective treatments and vaccines.

We all have the right to a cure.

Sign this European citizens’ initiative, and ensure that the European Commission does everything in its power to make anti-pandemic vaccines and treatments a global public good, freely accessible to everyone.

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To legalise sharing – via digital networks, for personal use and non-profit purposes – of files containing works and other material protected by copyright, related rights and sui generis database rights, with a view to striking a balance between the rights of authors and other rightholders and the universal right to science and culture.

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We call on the European Commission to strictly regulate the use of biometric technologies in order to avoid undue interference with fundamental rights.
In particular, we ask the Commission to prohibit, in law and in practice, indiscriminate or arbitrarily-targeted uses of biometrics which can lead to unlawful mass surveillance. These intrusive systems must not be developed, deployed (even on a trial basis) or used by public or private entities insofar as they can lead to unnecessary or disproportionate interference with people’s fundamental rights.


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With the #ReturnthePlastics European Citizen’s Initiative, we request the European Commission:
1. To implement an EU-wide deposit-system to recycle plastic bottles
2. To incentivize all EU Member states that supermarkets (chains) which are selling plastic bottles to install reverse vending machines for recycling the plastic bottles after being purchased and used by the consumer
3. To make the plastic bottle producing companies pay plastic taxes for the recycling and deposit-system of the plastic bottles (under the principle that the polluter should pay)

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The Commission has to safeguard and improve Europeans’ quality of life, whilst protecting other species and the natural environment as a whole. Thereby, the Commission must propose a legal act- recommendation that leads to a better understanding and compliance with environmental protection measures in EU Member States.

The objective of the initiative is for the Commission to propose a legal act that would assure Europeans that their national authorities are taking into account environmental considerations when introducing new or amending existing policies.

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Reducing the VAT rate for green products and services.

Every Member State of the European Union could actively support climate and environmental protection by reducing the VAT rate for “green” products. In addition, incentives would be created for businesses to produce in a resource and environmentally-friendly way and to invest in research. A win-win situation for everyone involved – especially for our future and the protection of our planet.
With our Green VAT legislative initiative we are appealing to the European Commission to initiate tax reductions for ecological, sustainably-produced and environmentally-friendly products in Europe.

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With the EU ban on cosmetics tests on animals came the promise of a Europe in which animals no longer suffer and die for the sake of cosmetics. That promise has been broken. Authorities still demand animal tests on ingredients used in cosmetics, which goes against the expectations and wishes of the public and the intention of legislators.

Yet, never have we had such powerful non-animal tools for assuring safety or such a golden opportunity to revolutionise human and environmental protection. The European Commission must uphold and strengthen the ban and transition to animal-free safety assessment.

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We call on the European Commission to propose an EU legislative act: prohibiting advertisements for fossil fuels, as well as air, road and water-borne transportation (other than transport services of general economic interest) powered by fossil fuels; prohibiting advertisements from any undertakings active in the market for fossil fuels, in particular by extracting, refining, supplying, distributing or selling fossil fuels; prohibiting sponsorships by undertakings defined under point 2 above, or using trademarks or commercial names used for fossil fuels.



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Sport is an integral part of the fabric of European society and culture that must be protected and promoted for the benefit of all.

We are calling on the Council to adopt a Recommendation providing an EU framework and guidelines for member state action to:

• Protect the model of football in Europe
• Recognise the social value of sport in European society
• Recognise the specific nature of sport in EU Competition rules
• Strengthen EU vision and long-term policy on the future & governance of European sport

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We seek to regulate commercial transactions with Occupant’s entities based or operating in occupied territories by withholding products originating from there from entering the EU market. The Commission, as Guardian of the Treaties, has to ensure consistency of Union’s policy and compliance with fundamental rights and international law in all areas of EU law, including CCP. The initiative thus invites the Commission to submit a proposal for a legal act under the Common Commercial Policy which is general in nature and does not target a specific country or territory.


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5G deployment is putting our rights to a healthy environment, freedom and privacy at stake.
We call on the Commission to propose legislation to protect citizens and the environment from these threats:

1. Humans, fauna and flora are being harmed by radiation. 

2. with 5G the amount of connected electronic devices, antennas and satellites will explode.

3. 5G enable massive data collection and surveillance of connected devices. 


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As European students and future civil servants, we believe that exchanges should not stop once studies come to an end.

We therefore propose the creation of a Civil Servant Exchange Program (CSEP), an exchange and training programme between civil servants of the Member States of the European Union. The aim of this ‘Erasmus for the civil service’ would be to offer civil servants from EU Member States professional experience in a similar service in another Member State for a period of 2 to 12 months. During the exchange, civil servants could continue to receive the salary of their home country, subject to compensation from the EU if this salary is lower than that received in the host country for an equivalent position.
The CSEP would strengthen the freedom of movement of workers in the EU, foster an exchange of best practices between civil services and improve links between Member States. In addition, the CSEP would help civil servants to overcome the numerous challenges they encounter in their working relations with their European colleagues.

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So what's Europe Day for? It's for signing European Citizens' Initiatives!

But you don’t need to wait until 7th of May to support these initiatives! Use the links above to find out which ECIs are currently collecting signatures, or visit the official website of the European Commission where you can find all the European Citizens’ Initiatives.

European Commission's Website


1. Inform as many European citizens as possible about their right to sign European Citizens’ Initiatives

2. Ask the European Institutions to increase information on the European Citizens’ Initiatives, strengthening existing instruments and including the European Citizens’ Initiatives in the framework of the Conference of the Future of Europe 

3. Ask all the European civil society organisations, Europe Direct Centers, and networks and organisations involved in the celebration of Europe Day and in the launch of the Conference on the Future of Europe to share the link to EU SIGN DAY

How YOU can support EU SIGN DAY


Let everybody know EU SIGN DAY is coming
Add our logo and link to your promotional materials for Europe Day,
 website, and social media profiles

Get your FB profile frame here!

Send an email to your newsletter subscribers
by sharing this link and inviting them to sign the ongoing European Citizens’ Initiatives


Invite the EU SIGN DAY team to present the initiative during the events you are organising for Europe Day or for the Conference on the Future of Europe


Make a donation to help us reach as many EU citizens as possible via social media — we thank you for your support

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EU SIGN DAY is organised by:

Voters Without Borders
Citizens’ Committee